Saturday, September 20, 2008


Dear dairy

bad mood and moody today. Life is very short so i often think that we should live more lifely but i often think my life suck. Every weekend seem to at jail cant go out and had to take care of those 2 rascal and pile of hsework. Even go out is just buy some gocery thing and food more dinner.

I wonder y should i get married. Life is so meainingless after married and so stress also. I don have a parent that care about me. I don have a husband that we can have communicate and have same thinking. I don really understand him as i have noway can know when he trueful to me. When his words and real and when is fake. Feel really unsercure with him at all time.

I really wanna be with a man that can give me secureity and xin ling xiang tong man... I still waiting for this to happen.... Maybe i had to wait to grow old till dead already.


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